Datum objave: 30. siječnja, 2023.

Hi everyone.
The first month of 2023 is coming to an end and I have to say this year has begun surprisingly well for me. Workshops related to the environment and rural development that my organization has been preparing have come to an end, for now, and I am really glad because that means now I can start with projects that are more part of my area of interest. One of those is a climate mural, which I have started preparing during this month with my college volunteer and coordinator, which is a way to get children interested in themes related to global warming. In these words, it does not sound that much fun, but in actual practice it is because working with kids and hearing their solutions and opinions can be quite entertaining but also eye-opening. Hope it will pass well. As for the rest, everything is great except the weather. Burgos cold is nothing I was prepared for.

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